There are many psychologists who claim how important it is to ‘make the bed every morning’. It’s certainly an activity that we should ensure our children carry out before going to school every day. However, this custom goes beyond the simple fact of smoothing the sheets and placing the pillows properly. It implies proper time management. Because every day has certain routines and tasks to be fulfilled and some of these obligations start early in the morning.
Making the bed and tidying the room can be, some psychologists claim, a way of spurring you into action, giving you the feeling that you’re capable of organizing yourself.
However, others see making the bed as an activity only carried out by perfectionists and self-demanding people. Therefore, there are both defenders and detractors of making the bed. Let’s take a look at this topic in more detail. It may seem trivial, but it’ll certainly give you something to talk about.
Making your bed in the morning could be bad for your health
Did you know that hidden among your sheets, are some tiny tenants capable of making you sick and causing you more than just one problem? In fact, you should be grateful that they’re only tiny because, when magnified, they look like real monsters, worthy of appearing in any nightmare. These are mites.
Your bed is a breeding ground for them. Indeed, the temperature is more than ideal for them to do what they like the most: reproduce and defecate. They love mattresses, duvets, sheets, cushions, and also stuffed animals. Despite the fact that you can’t see them, they can cause you big problems. For instance, if you have allergies or suffer from asthma, your situation may be greatly aggravated if you’re not in the habit of renewing your bedding from time to time.
Even if you have no allergy problems, the presence of these microscopic beings can cause you discomfort. For example, restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, and nervousness. Indeed, you might well end up sleeping badly. The temperature of the bed, the humidity, and your sweat generate a perfect scenario for mites. Therefore, it’s not appropriate to make your bed as soon as you get up. That’s because, if you do, you improve their conditions for survival. The ideal is to open the windows and let fresh air into the room for a few hours to air the sheets and the bedspread. Then – and now there’s no excuse – make the bed.
However, according to Dr. Pedro Ojeda, Communication Coordinator of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Immunology, leaving the bed unmade doesn’t completely solve the problem of mites. Because, even when they’re dead, they continue to cause allergy problems. Nevertheless, despite this fact, it’s still advisable to allow your bed to air out for a few hours.

The benefits
Perhaps making the bed is an essential part of your daily routine. In fact, according to experts, it says something about your personality. Certainly, leaving the bed made and your bedroom tidy is a good way to start the day and to manage your time properly. In turn, it’s a way of transmitting certain guidelines and obligations to the smallest members of your household. Indeed, making their bed can be the first step to them fulfilling their other obligations outside the home.
If you get to your room at night and you find the bed unmade, you might think of it as a sign that you’ve been neglectful. On the other hand, perhaps it really doesn’t matter to you. Therefore, we could say that making the bed or not is simply a matter of personal choice. However, at the same time, as some experts claim, smoothing the sheets every morning is a way of demonstrating that rest time is over and that it’s time for action. What do you think?
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