Nowadays, finding the right gift for a child has become increasingly complicated. Studies show that children mature earlier and, given the characteristics of the society in which we live, even the smallest show a great predilection for technological toys. In fact, as a parent, choosing the right toy that’s suitable for your child’s age and tastes can be a nightmare.
We might say that an intelligent purchase would be one in which you manage to bring together the following elements: that the gift is useful, safe, and contributes to the intellectual, emotional, and social development of your child. However, how can you achieve these goals?
Most experts agree that, in general, too many toys have a negative impact on a child’s imagination. Other research demonstrates that the most expensive product isn’t always the one that provides your child with the most features. In fact, if you stick to the recommendations of psychologists, your objective should be to find a gift that stimulates the development of your child and helps them expand their knowledge.
Gifts according to age
When choosing the ideal gift, you must take into account the age of your child. Little ones are at the
stage where they need to stimulate their psychomotricity, concentration, creativity, and auditory sensitivity. One option is to give them musical instruments, stuffed animals with sounds, plasticine, watercolors, and coloring books. Alternatively, objects that help them move, such as tricycles or bicycles.
If your child is already going to school, you should think along the lines of toys that help stimulate their attention and memory. Also, the kinds of educational games that improve their communication skills and knowledge. For example, board games, talking dolls, or construction toys.
According to scientific studies, today’s children mature earlier, hence adolescence also tends to follow this pattern. In fact, from the age of nine, children’s preferences change. The so-called Net Generation has a predilection for cellphones, computers, video games, and tablets. However, psychologists recommend that, in order to get this type of gift right, in addition to considering your child’s age, you should also remember that the technological object in question is a means of communication that helps them play and interact. It shouldn’t contribute to isolating them from their environment. Therefore, if you choose this type of gift, you must monitor your child’s use of it to avoid any future problems.

Another alternative that’s highly recommended for teenagers is to give them gifts that encourage them to practice sports and spend time with other people. For instance, tennis rackets, skates, or other sports accessories.
Give your affection
When you give a gift to your child, you must take into account what values you’re transmitting with this gesture. Your child should understand the gift as a reward, either for their academic performance or for their good behavior. Also, make sure you always convey to them that the price of the gift isn’t directly proportional to the love you have for them.
Another option is to make them realize that affection is one of the best gifts you can ever receive and give. Indeed, it’s a present of incalculable value with lasting effects.
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