Many young people are on their way to college, which means sharing a living space with roomies. Most students have to do so. This kind of experience is a challenge whether the roomies are friends, relatives, or complete strangers. Thus, you must think about the challenges it entitles and learn to deal with them.
You’ll most likely have your own room or at least a personal area. However, you’ll have to share things like the fridge, washing machine, and bathroom, for example.
Therefore, you must establish a series of rules for proper communication when living in a shared apartment. Of course, it requires assertiveness. Continue reading to find out more about this.
“I was making pancakes the other day and a fly flew into the kitchen. And that’s when I realized that a spatula is a lot like a fly swatter. And a crushed fly is a lot like a blueberry. Also, a roommate is a lot like a fly eater.”
-Demetri Martin-
Keys to living with roomies
We’ve already mentioned two keys for coexisting in a shared apartment: communication and assertiveness. However, there are other essential things to keep in mind. Here are a few of them:
- Make the rules clear from the beginning. Can you bring friends to the apartment? Are there any noise restrictions? Can you all go into each other’s rooms without consent?
- Establish a schedule for housework. Keep a calendar with the assigned housework on sight and make sure it’s assigned on a weekly basis. People should put a checkmark once they complete their chores. It’ll probably be best to rotate the tasks every week.
- Reach an agreement on the use of common spaces. For example, is there a time limit regarding the use of a single bathroom? Distribute and allocate fridge space and use a labeling system if you need to. How long can you watch TV in the common areas?
- Comply with your economic duties. You must know when you have to pay the rent and not be late. Although there may be some months in which the money is tight, you must be responsible.
It doesn’t have to be so rigid. You’ll probably become good friends with your roomies. Perhaps, TV time isn’t an issue for you because you all like to watch the same movies and shows. However, there are often issues regarding the fridge or bathroom and the rules must be clear and respected by all.

Maintaining a good coexistence
Healthy coexistence creates community, so it’s fundamental when sharing an apartment. The above tips only address a small part of the challenges you may face. Thus, chances are things aren’t always going to be smooth.
For instance, a roommate may occasionally have a problem and turn surly or rude. However, problems arise when there are emotions related to the shared apartment. For example, something that belongs to them goes missing. Thus, communication is key.
In addition, you must understand the needs of your roommates. Some people don’t wake up in a good mood, while others are always perky. You’ll find out soon after you start living with them. Thus, be open to all possibilities and respect their ways, as long as they’re reasonable.
Communication is the most important element of living with roomies.
How to Avoid the Effects of a Toxic Companion
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