Literature is full of inspiring phrases to reflect on. As a matter of fact, many of them come from speeches by politicians, writers, artists, and singers. Generally, they tend to be sayings that make you think about the world you live in. They also give you some idea of the world you could be living in. In this article, there are ten sayings on the subject of gender equality for you to reflect on.
You could say that gender equality remains a work in progress in most parts of the world today. Even though a lot of progress has been made in Europe, there’s still a lot to do. Furthermore, some countries outside Europe have even more to do. For this reason, these ten sayings all concern the subject of gender equality. Undoubtedly, this concept is of the utmost importance for the establishment of any fair and equal society. A society, in fact, that’s free from any gender-linked prejudices.
Inspiring gender equality phrases
Here are the ten phrases. They’ve been chosen for their degree of impact, truthfulness, and depth. They come from a variety of important figures from various fields, which range from art and literature to politics. You can read them and reflect on what we all need to do to achieve a fairer and probably happier society.
1. Gender equality is more than just a goal
“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It’s a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.”
–Kofi Annan-
This first saying comes from Kofi Annan, the Ghanaian diplomat. He talks about the importance of fighting for gender equality. In fact, he sees it as an indispensable condition in addressing other important challenges at the political, economic, and social level.
2. All the same
“Before God we’re all equally wise – and equally foolish.”
-Albert Einstein-
In this saying, the renowned German scientist reflects on equality and suggests that everyone can be both wise and foolish. That’s exactly what makes us human.
3. Freedom of expression
“There’s no barrier, lock, or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind.”
-Virginia Woolf-
This phrase is from Virginia Woolf, the renowned British writer. As a matter of fact, she was considered one of the most prominent figures of the avant-garde 20th-century modernist movement. Furthermore, she was known for her feminist ideals. In this quote, she refers to freedom of expression. In other words, the freedom that comes from your mind.
4. Believe in yourself
“If someone believes they’re limited by their gender, race, or background, they’ll become more limited.”
-Carly Fiorina-
This saying comes from an American politician. She reflects on the importance of not limiting yourself, no matter whether you’re male or female and regardless of where you were born. Furthermore, she suggests that, if you don’t trust yourself for any reason, you just increase the limits you impose on yourself.
5. A spiritual need
“Equality is a vital need of the human soul. The same amount of respect and attention is due to every human being, because respect has no degrees.”
-Simone Weil-
Simone Weil was a French philosopher. She speaks here about equality in general, which, naturally, encompasses gender equality. In fact, her saying suggests the importance of respecting all the people of the world.
6. Gender equality and employment
“Equal rights for the sexes will be achieved only when mediocre women occupy high positions.”
-Françoise Giroud-
Françoise Giroud was a French writer and politician. Without a doubt, this saying reflects the feelings of many people. It’s the belief that important positions tend to be given to men for the simple fact of them being men, regardless of how capable they may or may not be.
7. Gender equality is essential
“Gender equality must become a lived reality.”
-Michele Bachelet-
This phrase comes from Chilean politician, Michele Bachelet. She stresses the absolute necessity that gender equality should become a reality, not a dream. After all, there’s no point in dreaming if there’s no chance of it ever coming true.
8. Men and women are different
“The two sexes are not inferior or superior to each other. They’re simply different.”
-Gregorio Marañón-
This is a saying from writer and thinker Gregorio Marañón. He reflects on an obvious reality that’s often ignored. Men and women are different. However, they should never be different in terms of their rights.
9. Don’t forget your origins
“I’m a woman and I write. I’m a commoner and I know how to read. I was born a servant and I’m free. I’ve seen wonderful things in my life. I have done wonderful things in my life.”
-Rosa Montero-
This is a slightly different kind of saying. However, it’s still very inspiring. Here, Rosa Montero reflects on her origins, gender, and social class and how they’ve led her to be the woman she is today. A woman who’s free and who wants to enjoy life.

10. Feminism and empowerment
“All men should be feminists. If men care about women’s rights, the world will be a better place. We’re better when women are empowered: this leads to a better society.”
-John Legend –
This is an interesting saying from the American singer and actor, John Legend. As a matter of fact, he claims that the fundamental concept of achieving gender equality is empowerment. In addition, he emphasizes the importance of feminism. Indeed, many agree with him on this point. Furthermore, that feminism forms the basis on which real and tangible gender equality can be built.
Finally, your sex should make no difference regarding your rights. However, what should matter is your personality, personal worth, and your abilities. Undoubtedly, your sex and gender should be irrelevant. At least, that’s the way things should be in a fair and equal society for all.
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