The appearance of suicidal thoughts is never something that should be taken lightly. Furthermore, it’s a sad fact that many people have, at some time or another, considered taking their own life. However, no matter how fleeting these thoughts maybe, they should always be taken seriously. In fact, they’re always correlated with extremely serious situations.
Furthermore, there’s another reality that shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s the fact that because so many people have experienced suicidal thoughts, the situation tends to become normalized. This shouldn’t be the case. In fact, in all of these incidences, action is required. A response to those vital moments where the person concerned feels trapped and helpless.
If this is you, you might feel that there’s no way out. That’s when you think negative thoughts and make bad decisions. However, nobody deserves to deal with these burdens alone. In fact, there are always people around you who can help. For example, the Samaritans, who are always available, day or night, at the end of a phone.
“I have had in my mouth the cold of a revolver barrel and I have heard the click of the hammer crashing down on the cartridge…”
-Jacques Rigaut-
Suicidal thoughts
In 2000, in the UK, they conducted a national study of psychiatric morbidity. The study concerned suicidal thoughts. The researchers randomly interviewed more than 3,500 people. About 20 percent of these people claimed to have experienced such thoughts. A majority of those people turned out to be women, between the ages of 16 and 26.
- After the detection of these factors, the researchers conducted evaluations, treatment, and follow-ups. What they discovered was that behind the suicidal thoughts lay various psychological disorders, such as depression.
All this encouraged the British health system to establish suicide prevention programs within primary care.
Emotions and psychological disorders
There are many types of emotional pain that can lead to thoughts of suicide. The reasons for this kind of pain are unique to everyone. After all, the ability to cope with pain differs from person to person. We’re all different. For some, it’s a light load, while for others it’s an unbearable burden.
However, there are certain common factors that can lead to suicidal thoughts. These thoughts are often associated with treatable problems. For instance, depression, anxiety, medical disorders, drug dependence, or alcoholism.
Suicidal thoughts can also arise due to work or school problems (such as bullying ), financial difficulties, legal problems, and other life difficulties that create deep emotional distress. These situations also interfere with your ability to solve problems, and almost always prevent you from seeing other solutions to your difficulties.

Language in people with suicidal thoughts
We know that having suicidal ideas is one thing and carrying them out is another. In fact, a large proportion of people don’t go through with the idea of suicide. Nevertheless, a considerable number do, unfortunately, end up taking their own lives. In fact, the rates and studies on suicide demonstrate that they’re increasing every year. Furthermore, the losses among children and young people between 14 and 29 years old are extremely striking.
Experts point out that we should always attend to the language of those around us. That’s because people with suicidal ideas have a tendency to use absolutist language. For example, they’ll frequently use the following terms.
- Absolutely.
- Everything.
- Always.
- Any.
- Sure.
- Never.
- Every.
- Everyone.
- It must be that.
Five steps to coping with suicidal thoughts
If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, the following strategies may prove useful.
1. Do nothing at first
Despite the pain of the moment, you have to give yourself time, leave a distance between thought and action.
Thoughts and actions are two different things. Suicidal thoughts don’t have to become a reality. There’s no deadline, there’s nothing or nobody to force or push you. Therefore, wait and distance yourself from the situation.
2. Avoid drugs and alcohol
Suicidal thoughts can become even stronger if you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs. For this reason, if you’re prone to these kinds of thoughts, find another way to drown your sorrows.
3. Make your house a safe home
Take away things that you could use to harm yourself. For example, medicines, knives, or weapons. If you can’t, go to a place where you’ll be safe.
4. Remember that others have been through the same and have overcome it
Remember that you’re not the only person in the world who’s ever gone through something like this. Take strength from the examples of others. They’ve survived. This means there’s hope for you too.

5. Talk to someone
Sharing your thoughts with someone will help you release them. Then, they’ll stop oppressing you. Whether it’s a friend, your doctor, or a therapist, you need to talk to someone. Don’t let fear or shame prevent you from expressing what’s inside of you, that thing that feels like it’s a bomb waiting to explode.
Talking to someone doesnt mean picking up your computer and entering forums or chats with other people who are also experiencing suicidal thoughts. In fact, this will only aggravate the situation.
Why might suicide seem the only option?
If you can think of no other solution than suicide, it isn’t because there isn’t one. In fact, it’s just because at the moment you can’t see it.
- That intense emotional pain that you’re experiencing at this moment can distort your thinking. This makes it more difficult to see any possible solutions to your problems or to connect with those who can offer you support.
- This is why it’s so important to take the previous steps, starting with the first. Take your time and don’t make the situation worse. Little by little, the path will clear.
Although it may seem like your pain and unhappiness will never end, it’s really important to realize that these crises are often temporary. Solutions are often found, feelings change. Therefore, why give a permanent solution, such as death, to such temporary feelings?
We conclude with what we mentioned at the beginning. You’re not alone. Neither should you go through this experience alone. Get help, pick up your mobile, and call someone and let a friendly voice guide you and speak to you.
6 Signs that Someone Is Thinking About Suicide
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